Welcome whimsy home with the Morris & Co. Kelmscott Tree Green Rug. This framed rendition of the tree-studded bed curtains that graced William Morris’s home, Kelmscott Manor, is the perfect addition to any contemporary cottage. The intricate illustrations of trees, flowers, birds and vines create a balanced composition with ornate detail. The creamy backdrop is brought to life with nature-inspired greens, blues, browns and oranges. Water-resistant, stain-resistant, and machine-washable. Rug colors may vary slightly according to your device and the lighting in your space.. Ruggable rugs are perfect for living rooms, kitchen and outdoors. Our rugs are pet friendly, kid friendly and easy to machine wash. Washable Rug Cover & Pad | Morris & Co. Kelmscott Tree Green Rug | Stain-Resistant | Ruggable | 2’x3′.