Garden Goods Direct | Winter Gem Boxwood


Winter Gem Boxwood is one of the best boxwood options because of its low-maintenance requirements and hardy nature. People are drawn to this shrub for its vibrant color, concise shape, and ability to withstand harsh winter weather impacts. Scientifically referred to as ‘Buxus Microphylla, ‘ the Winter Boxwood’s shiny, rich green foliage and spherical growth habit are eye-catching and perfect for adding sophistication and class elements. Because of their clean appearance, these evergreen shrubs are often used in formal gardens and landscapes. This small-leaved shrub features contrasting light green foliage that changes color in winter. No need to worry; this boxwood quickly regains its green coloration in spring. The ideal care for the Winter Gem includes regular watering in the spring and summer growing seasons. Additionally, these shrubs appreciate full sun and perform best in growing zones 5-9. Native to Japan, this boxwood is excellent for creating small hedges and mass plantings or used as a more formal hedge plant and clipped topiary shapes. Known for its ability to handle winter temperatures, this is an excellent option to keep your landscape lush all year round.

SKU: 01466CX10 Category: