The white wood aster produces a profusion of small white daisies that start in the fall and lasts well past the last frost. White Wood Aster is a favorite host plant for caterpillars of the Pearl Crescent and Checkerspot Butterflies. Aster divaricatus was one of 7 asters that received the highest rating in the Chicago Botanic Gardens trials of asters. According to the study, Aster divaricatus displayed consistently strong habits, superior flower production, excellent disease resistance, and full winter hardiness throughout a six-year evaluation term. Unlike most other species of Fall Aster, White Wood Aster is suitable for shady sites. A North American native wildflower, this grows well under shrubs and at the edge of woodland gardens. It forms a low mound of bright green leaves, bearing upright stems of small white daisies, held on dark stems. Also tolerates sunny locations, and will naturalize well in the woodland or meadow garden. Although not yet widely grown, this species deserves much wider use in North American gardens and landscapes.