Garden Goods Direct | White Cyclamen


White Cyclamen does well with bright, indirect light and high humidity. These cheery wintertime flowers brighten up spaces indoors and look beautiful when placed in a matching brightly colored pot. The flowers have brightly colored upright facing petals that arise from below the leaves. The flowers vary in color from traditional red to pink, white, and several bicolors. White Cyclamen prefers moderately bright light and likes to stay moist without sitting in water or drying out excessively. White Cyclamen do well indoors in a room that receives bright direct light, like an eastern or northern window sill. The flowers are bright red to pink or pure white and appear prolifically when given bright, direct light, kept moist, and when exposed to cooler temperatures. The plants don’t like to dry out completely. They will wilt and be obvious when they absolutely need water, but it shouldn’t get to that point. These houseplants grow from bulbs and need to go through a seasonal rest period before being able to sprout leaves and flowers again the next year. These are happiest when given high humidity so feel free to keep the humidity high with a pebble tray. These delightfully cheery plants work well indoors near windowsills, especially in the kitchen or bathroom where there’s naturally higher humidity. History and introduction of Cyclamen: Native to Europe, Cyclamen belongs to the family Primulaceae. Cyclamen are often gifted to loved ones because they are symbolic of affection, appreciation, and love. In Europe, these plants grow as a groundcover along the forest floor. Cyclamen prefer day temperatures to be at or below 68, and night temperatures of 50. These temperatures keep them flowering and looking beautiful for the longest period of time. As they are bulbs, they need a natural dormancy period. After a few months, the flowers and foliage die off, and energy is stored in the below-ground tuber. Let the plant and soil dry out completely, and leave it in a cool, dark plac

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