Garden Goods Direct | Wavy Leaf Privet Ligustrum


Ligustrum recurvifolium orWavy Leaf Privet is a large, fast-growing, upright, evergreen shrub adaptable to most soils. It has lustrous dark green leaves, wavy foliage, and fragrant white flowers. It is one of the fastest-growing privacy shrubs, making it ideal for a privacy hedge or buffer screen. Its dense evergreen foliage makes it a perfect wind block for winter. Privet is excellent in containers on the patio as well. Ligustrum recurvifolium as a Privacy Screen Wavy Leaf Privet or Ligustrum Recurvifolium is a refined and formal evergreen plant featuring shiny dark green foliage with a dense habit. Its bright white flowers in April give way to bright black berries, which add interest during the autumn and winter months. With its heat and drought tolerance, it is the perfect plant to use as a specimen or privacy hedge in any size garden. Its evergreen foliage creates a flow of green in the garden all year. Use as a backdrop to any variety of summer-blooming shrubsand perennials for additional color in the landscape.

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