Boasting a unique marble pattern on its foliage, thePeperomia Obtusifolia Variegata is a popular houseplant for beginners and collectors alike. The round rubber-like foliage is semi-succulent-like in that it works to store excess water within the leaves. This allows your plant to tolerate extended periods of drought, making for an extremely low-maintenance care regimen. Ideal conditions for the Variegated Peperomia include medium to bright indirect sunlight and a loamy, well-draining soil medium. These trendy tropical plants remain generally compact making them perfect for secluded spaces and small surfaces of your home. As an added bonus, these variegated rubber plants are non-toxic and pet safe. The lustrous foliage, paired with this plant’s easy care regimen makes it the perfect option for a gift, or for a first-time plant parent.