The dwarf evergreen shrub of all your fairytale dreams has become a reality. The enchanting and magnificent Variegated Dwarf Gardenia is like your classic favorite Radicans Gardenia, but variegated. The shrub’s delicate white flowers not only bring beauty to your yard but also give off a heavenly scent. Beyond the fragrant flowers, these popular ground cover shrubs are loved for their low maintenance care regimen and hardiness to the elements. Ideal care conditions for these stunning yard plants include partial to full sun and a slightly acidic soil medium. The hardy shrub will also thrive in conditions of part shade. Once the white blooms are spent, you can still expect to enjoy the bright white and dark green foliage all year long. As an added bonus, this vigorous grower works to attract various pollinators including hummingbirds. Variegated Gardenias work great in a wide range of garden projects, and they can even be grown in a container indoors where not winter hardy.